Terms and Conditions:
- A full month notice is required for cancellation of membership.
- I understand that if any of my transactions for services or products purchased are unsuccessful I will be charged an administration fee of $15 and that my membership will be suspended until my account is reconciled and approved by Court House management.
- Court House will give notification of fee increases at least 30 days prior to said increase taking effect.
- I understand that in order for my spouse/partner to qualify for a couple membership that we must reside as a couple (same address) and if our circumstances change we will notify Court House. False information may result in my membership being terminated.
- Preferred Corporate Memberships will continue unless notification is received 30 days prior to the renewal date. Membership fees will reflect the current rates. Refunds for cancellation of Preferred Corporate Membership will be prorated using the Single monthly rate.
- I am aware as a Preferred Corporate Member that if the corporate numbers decline below the required level of the tier we are currently in then on the next billing my monthly dues will be adjusted accordingly. Proof of employment (insurance identification) will be required on receipt of membership fob.
- I understand that from time to time equipment failures may occur. The management will do their utmost to prevent such failures and replace equipment as they deem necessary. In the event of such occurrences I fully understand that I will not be compensated while such equipment is being repaired or replaced.
- Should Court House, at its absolute discretion, deem that my behavior, conduct or deportment is unacceptable or offensive to fellow members of Court House or the management of Court House, then in any such circumstances, Court House reserves the right to suspend or expel me from using the facilities or its premises for any period of time it deems fit PROVIDED ALWAYS:
- Any monies prepaid by me to Court House for any period of suspension or expulsion shall be forfeited to Court House and be deemed monies belonging to Court House.
- Any such suspension or expulsion will be communicated to me in writing by Court House stating the period of the same without having to give reasons for such suspension or expulsion.
- Court House, its directors and employees shall not be liable to me, my heirs or estate, for any claims, demands, injuries, damages, actions or causes of action whatsoever arising, howsoever whether through negligence or otherwise and whether with respect to personal injury, destruction, theft to or of property or otherwise.
- I understand that if I allow my membership to be used by any other persons without authorization by Court House management my membership will be terminated immediately.
- I also understand that if I assist, in anyway, a non-member to enter the facility then my membership will be terminated immediately.
- We know how important it is to you that your Club is kept clean. In the interest of personal hygiene and consideration for other members, we request that everyone bring with them a hand towel to use while working out. After drying the equipment off please use the germicidal wipes provided.
Please allow 24 hours for your application to be processed.