Staying on-point during the COVID-19 outbreak

The coronavirus pandemic has had a huge impact on every aspect of life. Working from home, homeschooling and limited movement policies are all new experiences that many of us are facing at the same time. We caught up with George to see how he is keeping sane through it all.
"I am trying to keep myself busy during the shelter-in-place otherwise I will go crazy. I have been studying, training, teaching and staying in touch with our members. Even though it is something new for all of us, we don't have to let ourselves down and we have to come back stronger, mentally and physically.
Right before the shelter-in-place, I got my Metabolic and Conditioning Coach Certificate, then I started a Fitness Nutrition Specialist course, so I study every morning for a few hours then do my workout because guess what - I am still on my routine, training six days a week.
I work out with some resistance bands only. You will be surprised how many things you may fulfill with just bands. In this difficult moment, we have to improvise, be creative and inventive. I try to utilize everything inside or outside the house: chairs, tables, fence, stairs, trees; and I would like to thank my landlord for allowing me to live in such a beautiful place.
In the afternoon I teach virtual classes four days a week. It is something new for trainers and members and I hope our members enjoy all of our classes. This is very different from what we used to do. You're by yourselves in a room with only a laptop in front of you, but you know there are our lovely members behind the screens working out hard, hopefully enjoying our classes and that gives you lots of energy.
After each class, I always record short videos with different workouts for members asking for at-home ideas and for those who missed the virtual classes. Then I go back to study.
The hardest thing about the facility not being open is not seeing our team together. The trainers, management, receptionists and members - I miss that. I don't know what the first thing I will do when it opens again. I'll probably give "air hugs" to everybody. Things seem to be getting better already as the shelter-in-place is over and that's a huge step in the right direction.
I hope you all are staying healthy and safe and hopefully, we will see each other soon."