Running Season Is Here
November has arrived. The smell of BBQ's and summer swims at Horseshoe Bay are a distant memory for most of us. However, if you love running outdoors, this is the best time for cool runs through Bermuda's beautiful trails and winding roads overlooking the stunning green and blue water patterns island wide.
The winter and fall Raceworld calendar is packed with competitive and fun, races and walks for individuals, groups and families. Running and exercising outdoors is great for the mind and body but it can be difficult to get back into the regime if you have taken a break.
Amanda Russell, a top-rated fitness and lifestyle writer, professional keynote speaker, Olympic-trained athlete and founder of, wrote a great article on the Livestrong Blog, 7 Tips to Get You Running Again, have a read - it offers great advice for getting back in the swing.
For those of you who are thinking about running in the upcoming races and love visual content that provides great facts and statistics, Insurance Quotes, created a brilliant infographic called, Running Toward a Better You, that pulls data from great fitness websites on the web, it would surely motivate you.
Happy Running.