Introducing GigaRankings


We are excited to introduce you to GigaRankings, our new platform for ranking squash players at Court House. To access the platform and find out more information, we've put together a brief email that will guide you on all of the essential points. 

Go to and click the 'Members' button on the top right of the page followed by 'Online Booking' on the following page. Once you sign into Gigasports, hover over the 'Squash' button on the main navigation bar and scroll down to 'Rankings'. 

GigaRankings is a designated ranking platform based on solid math and good, clean data. In principle, players of relatively equal skill gain or lose points when they play each other but players of unequal skill have their ratings adjusted by relatively few points when they play each other and when the better player (who was expected to win) wins.

The math behind the algorithm is as follows:

WO = Winner's old rating
LO = Loser's old rating
K = constant 
D = denominator
PW = Probability that the winner would win = (1/(POWER(10,(-(WO-LO)/D))+1))
PL = Probability that the loser would win =    (1/(POWER(10,(-(LO-WO)/D))+1))
WN = Winner's new rating = (WO+K*(1-PW))
LN = Loser's new rating = (LO+K*(0-PL))

All match results now count. As Gigasports enhances the algorithm, some matches, such as the Club Championships and other signature Court House events, will have more weight than social games. The rankings are re-calculated at the end of every week by applying all scorecards input in the last week. 

If you see any discrepancies or errors, please contact Sue Pell. Explore the platform now and join in the excitement. 

See you on the courts!

Court House Squash & Wellness

Now With Two Locations!

Court House Central

24/7 access, including public holidays!

31 Victoria Street,
Hamilton HM 10, Bermuda
[email protected]

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Court House West

24/7 access, including public holidays!

71 Pitts Bay Road,
Pembroke HM 08, Bermuda
[email protected]

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